Silent Services UG (haftungsbeschränkt) ئاپەکان

Bluetooth Scanner - btCrawler
btCrawler is the perfect tool to find otherbluetooth devices and their services. It can be useful during apentest or ethical hacking.This tool can scan for surrounding visible bluetooth devices. Itshows the device type, supported services and the signal strength.It can also be used to locate a device based on the signalstrength. Devices like Headsets are usually only visible during thepairing phase. Thus you might not be able to track your lostheadset even if it is still connected.*** PLEASE NOTE: Devices with Android below 4.3 can not besupported by the new features. You will receive the last workingversion before the changes. Any other device with Android 4.3 orhigher will receive the new features like new UI and LE scanning. Iam sorry for any inconvenience caused by the last updates. ***Features:- Support for Bluetooth LE scanning (including LE attributes andcharacterstics)- Database support. All scanned devices are now stored in adatabase and can be reviewed. Stored data includes the time adevice is first seen and when it was last seen.- List currently paired devices- Scan for visible devices- Shows Device Name, BDADDR (like MAC), Class of Device, Vendor andSignal Strength- Query SDP services from devices- Query Bluetooth LE attributes and characteristics- Pair / Unpair to devicesThe Database can be exported to a csv file on the externalstorage. Filename is: btcrawler-.csvExample: /mnt/sdcard/btCrawler-01-09-2013.csvThe csv has the following order: Device Name, Device Address,Class of Device, Pairing Status, Last Signal Strength, First TimeSeen, Last Time Seen, Vendor.The Database can also be wiped. For both functions hit the menubutton.Over the time I will add more features as I find more ways tomangle the API a bit more.(People call btCrawler often also: BluetoothScanner, BluetoothScanner, Bluetooth Sniffer, BluetoothSniffer, Bluetooth Wardriving,Bluetooth Diagnostic, Bluetooth Tool)Act responsible like a hacker, not like a cracker orskiddie!Graphics from Mainly from OCAL,thanks!